“Taste of Woodburn”
2022 Coupon Book
In partnership with the City of Woodburn, the Chamber is preparing this year’s coupon book to be distributed during the “Taste of Woodburn.” We will also be delivering copies to the surrounding area the first week of June.
- 15,000 copies mailed to Woodburn, Gervais, Hubbard, and Aurora during the first week of June
- Additional 2,000 to be handed out during “The Taste of Woodburn” on June 9th and 10th
- Sponsor opportunities are being offered to Chamber Members first
Advertising Options
- 1/3 Page with no offers $300
- 1/2 page (1/3 page and 2 offers) $400
- Back Cover $800
- Inside Front Cover $500
- Inside Back Cover $500
For reservations and orders, contact John Zobrist, Executive Director.
Office: 503-982-8221
Cell: 503-931-5020