Hello fellow business people in the Woodburn Area Chamber of Commerce and beyond,
Last week marked a paradigm shift for all our lives as the safeguards against a pandemic have changed so many things.
- How business is conducted.
- How consumers can interact and transact.
- Our lives in general.
We are in unfamiliar waters and need advice and resources more than ever before. The good news is there are many organizations and people working tirelessly to provide guidance and resources to help everyone cope with this new paradigm.
We have been emailing links to resources as they are updated and felt it was time to post this information on our website as well. Future updates, news and information relevant to our Chamber, the business community and ways you can take advantage of the many business resources available will be logged as BLOG posts on our website.
Today we are posting an update on all the links provided by the State of Oregon as well as a summary of the Federal legislation that is being finalized at this time. As we receive more specific information on the Federal programs and others we will post it here as well.
In addition we created “Woodburn’s Open” Facebook group so area businesses are quickly able update us on who is open, offering delivery or take out, and message us as we all navigate this new world. Please like and share the page so we can all share in helping each other.
John Zobrist
Executive Director
Woodburn Area Chamber of Commerce